We all know that acne is an extremely common skin condition. It is caused by changes in our skin condition where our skin pores are blocked by sebum which is our own bodily oil and dead skin cells. Left untreated the blocked skin pores may become inflamed with lesions and may result in ugly scars. According to skin specialists, acne is partly hereditary.
My daughter who is 18 years old recently had a terrible breakout of whiteheads on her forehead and both her cheek. It was really horrible and I took pity on my poor daughter. When I was my daughter's age I had acne too. With some experience dealing with this condition I took it upon myself to deal with the acne.
Initially I asked her to clean her face with a gentle cleanser. This helped for a while but the ugly whiteheads returned with such a vengeance that it covered almost all my daughter's face. Due to the severity I asked my daughter to use over the counter prescription such as salicylic acid and the benzine peroxide. The whiteheads cleared and I was very happy for my daughter.
However a few months ago the dreaded acne returned again but this time it was just a few whiteheads here and there. My daughter was stressed out due to this and refused to go out. She was really embarrassed by this zits covering her face although it was not as bad as before.
This time I decided to get professional assistance. I took her to a dermatologist who gave her Duac and Atralin. She advised my daughter to continue cleaning her face but this time to use Centaphil. She has to use the Duac in the morning and the Atralin in the evening. My daughter followed the instruction diligently. But alas her whiteheads got worse than ever before. This time the whiteheads covered all over her face. You can imagine how terrible she felt.
I remember when I had acne I was than advised by my mother to apply prescription creams. My acne did get worse before it got better. But my daughter's condition was horrible. She has a fairly light skin and the zits just stuck out like sore thumbs.
Luckily for her, a friend suggested that she try a new healing program called Acne Free in 3 Days. I never heard of this before and was actually worried for my daughter but she was adamant. After reading some complimentary reviews and learning that the process is all natural without drugs I relented and told my daughter to go ahead.
What seemed to be so different with this program was that a major consideration was basic health care. My daughter was told of an amazing way to remove her acne permanently using completely natural means. She followed the method and this time zealously indeed. Although the program said Acne Free in 3 Days my daughter acne was cleared in 6 days which I am sure all of you would agree is really fantastic.
If you want to know more about the Acne Free in 3 Days, Get the FREE REPORT "The Five Basic Secrets To Clearing Your Skin" , to help you learn more about how to get rid of your acne and keep your skin looking clear for life starting today... at : http://howicuredmyacnefast.blogspot.com/. or just click here NOW! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carol_Micheals |